Monday, March 18, 2013

New Book, New Goal, New Meeting Scheduled!

So hopefully you have your copy and you've read a sentence or two!  If you don't have a copy, come see me and I'll get you set up.  Our reading goal is p. 117, stopping at "Looming Large and Smelly."  You have two weeks to finish this; we will meet on Thursday, March 28th.  Here's the reading roles people signed up to cover:

Questioner:  Alex Stasiak
Connector:  Eric Yi
Illustrator:  Divya Bhat
Word Wizard:  Raven Moe
Summarizer:  Dhruv Patel

I think that's it for now.  Hopefully TCAP is going well for all of you, and you are finding time to read-- this book in particular!  I'll post discussion questions for you to ponder along with the work you are doing in your roles, so we should all have plenty to talk about next meeting.

See you soon,
Mrs. P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've reched the goal already and I really want to keep reading. It's just so interesting! Now I just have to start working on my role as a illustrator!!!1