Hiya Rattlers!
You may have noticed that I've been MIA (missing in action) some this week; well, it was all for a good cause. I got to meet Mr. Rick Riordan, author of The Lightning Thief and the first book in The 39 Clues series, .A Maze of Bones. This is an ambitious undertaking by the publishing company Scholastic. They had Riordan write the first book and the series outline, but nine other authors will be continuing the story. Are you ready for the coolest part? Gordan Korman, the author that will be visiting us in mid-December, is the author of the second book in the series, and it will be published on 12/2! This is amazing luck for us; we will have a first-rate author here plugging a brand-new book! I am very excited. Okay, click here to join in The 39 Clues hunt, and click here to find out about Gordan Korman's 39 Clues book, One False Note.
There are flyers in the library detailing how The 39 Clues works, but it is a multimedia series combining reading the books, and online game and collectible cards that all provide clues that could lead to prizes! Check out the flyer when you're in the library. Oh, and the books are HERE AND READY TO GO! Check out your copy today, but please remember to put all six clue cards back in the book before you return it. Thanks!
That's it for today, but that's a lot, isn't it?
Mrs. P
oh! i want to check out one of the books! did you really get to meat mr. Riordan? that's cool! what was it like?
Well, I heard the books were making a [lot] of controversy. Apparently some people think it is a great way to link the internet to the book while others think the book is all alone.
Personally, I find having to go onto the internet, having to keep track of cards, and remembering clues a lot of work for one book. I like reading a book and being taken out of the real world for a while. But that's just my opinion.
I can't wait to start up!!!
Has anyone already registered, is it cool?
Well ill probably find out soon enough...
And I too like a book that takes you out of the real world for a while!
Hopefull this will still manage
I just don't really see what is so cool about this. personally,I kind of want someone else to try this to see if it is cool before I do!
Hmmm... not much of a happening blog, now are we...
Well, I finally got Brisngr, so that is what I have been reading. NO ELECTRONICS In that BOOK.
He he.
Sorry, got sidetracked, interesting book, nice synopsis, and now I must go read,
Hey analie I sure hope she didn't MEAT him! watch those lousy homophones! also, I want to read it!
PS I reread my last comment...
"Hopefull this will still manage"
... sounds like something I would have written on a monday!
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