Hi Rattlers!
balletrox217 requested a forum to hold a Clique discussion, so here you go. I am feeling like a bad librarian since I haven't read these either, but I will hopefully get many books read over the summer. I hope. :) Anyway, I as always look forward to hearing what you guys have to say about these books, and FYI-- I have the first of the summer collection-- Massie, I think?-- down at cataloging. It MIGHT be here before Friday, but probably you'll have to wait until August to get your hands on it. We'll see!
Mrs. P
I've read one of the books, a few summers ago. I found it very entertaining and interesting, mostly because I've never actually met girls like Massie. She's sort of the typical 'mean popular girl', and it was really fun to get inside her head. Isn't there a tv show based on the books, too? Or maybe I'm thinking about a totally different series.
i want to read the series, but if it's all OMG!!! she's dating Brandon!! or Look at that totally lame-o shirt she's wearing. you get the point, i hope. someone tell me what the books are about! and why's it called the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, do the pants drive around or something?!
please answer, kate, rawan, saranya, mrs. Pulley?
all right, bwam (you like that, Analie?),
I will let someone else field the question about the Clique novels, but I can answer to the Traveling Pants question. This series involves a bit of magical realism in that a tight-knit group of girlfriends who find a pair of jeans in a second-hand store that magically fit each one of them, even though they are of very different body shapes. Recognizing the treasure they have discovered, right as they are all about to split ways for summer, they pledge oaths as a Sisterhood to honor the pants and mail them around so that they each get a turn utilizing their magic. The rest of the first book follows the pants to each girl and tells her story.
That would be the first book, anyway! I haven't read beyond that one. FYI-- this is a YA novel, and therefore it does have some mature content in it. There's no language or violence, but one of the girls does pursue a guy. I'll say no more!
Mrs. P
wait, wait!
what does bwam mean???????
It's the abbreviation for blue wolves and mushrooms... right?
Lol! I like bwam. It reminds me of the old batman show where the sound effects were written on the screen, like BAM! BAFF! BOOM! Totally awesome.
oh! okay, when i first saw it, i thought it ment something, well, i dont know what i thought it ment, but that might be the point! yes, typing out blue wolves and mushrooms can get very tedious and tiring, but then, you can always call me analie too!
if you like being best, why not make a nest?!
(sorry i'm getting a little desprate on the endings)
oh, and in case you want to know why i have blue wolves and mushrooms as my name, it's because some of my favorite things are blue wolves and mushrooms! (except for cooking mushrooms, and or eating mushrooms. for some strange and unexplainable reason, i only like drawing and looking at mushrooms, but are revolted at eating and cooking them.)who would of guessed?!
if you.... oh, forget it, i'll think of more endings later)
Ya i have read up to invasion of the boy snatchers...and they are so good! but the end of invasion of the boy snatchers is such a clif hanger! Do claire and cam break up??? AHG i am gonna read all of the books but SOMEONE is lending them to someone ELSE! so i have to WAIT! LOL
Kira, lol i tottaly agree! haha i love the books tho...i don't know a tv show like the tho....
Kira...Hi! What grade are you in? Lol i'm in 6th...this is so fun
I just realized that I was thinking of Gossip Girls, a series similar to The Clique (I think. I haven't read it yet.), that was recently made into a TV series. The show seems to be getting good reviews. Has anyone seen it?
no, i havent seen the tv show, but then, i dont really read that stuff.
cute?! im not sure if i would describe 'bwam' as 'cute', maddie.
Really??? HAHA i think it is!
Yes i havn't seen it but EVERYONE says it is good and i wanna see it but the clique is really good....
Maddie T
Sister hood of the traveling pants is like well...theay are all different sized girls right? and then they find these pants that fit them all so over the summer each person is somewhere esle so they pass it around and well u'll have to read it its good...K so the clique is good i've read up till ivasion of the boy snatchers and am gonna read em all....its mostly what u said about the boys and OMG and stuff but its realyl good :)
hmm. i think i'd quiet contrar. *yay, the pages are done printing!!!*
I LOVE this series, they are not all OMG but if you can't stand OMG moments happening every few chapters than this is probably not the book series for you. I've read the Massie in the summer collection and I am getting the next one (or 2) later today. These books are great if you like to read about drama! lol sometimes but not always...
This is Rawan 9yes i am sitting right next to kate right now) and i absoulutly love them! They never get boring every book gets better than the one before it. I say Analie, you should read the first one, see how you like it, than chose if you want to read the next one or not!
Rawan *and Kate!
*sniff* i guess, we are going to the library this week...
I AGREE with Kate and Rawan! They are sooo good! I love them!
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